Thursday, August 26, 2010

Remembering the Women in my Life!

I love the men in my life, but today is a day to remember the BEAUTIFUL. WONDERFUL, FABULOUS WOMEN that have been the strength and the smile makers when hard times have needed a Woman's tender touch.  Like the Hymn says "As Women in Zion we'll all work together comfort the weary and strengthen the week"  LOVE TO YOU ALL!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

As Time Goes By

What big glasses we wore in the Eighties! 
Just thinking how grateful I am for my daughter.  She is the delight of my life.

Song for the Mira

Long time no see!

So interestingly enough my ex-sister-in-law (bro's ex) stopped by for the first time in maybe fifteen years.  She had heard a few years back that I 'd had cancer, but she didn't come then.  But recently she heard that I still have cancer.  This time she showed up all full of questions.  Funny enough, I don't have cancer now, and being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I can't help wondering what's up her sleeve.  I must say that the visit was pleasent yet some how I think she was trying to gleen info.  Oh well, knowing her history, I won't be seeing her for another fifteen years!  ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010



So Here It Goes........

I have no clue why I am starting this blog, except that I think that it's a good way to find out more about me and how I fit in this crazy world.  

So Here it  Goes.....I have always wanted to feel special.  I know, that sounds conceited, but really it's not.  I believe that those that feel special about themselves go on to do great things.  Well, not always I suppose, but a lot do.  For instance if  Jane Austen hadn't believed that she was a good, if not a great conveyor of stories, we wouldn't have her small but impactful library of books.  She is a truly timeless author that was and is special.

Well anyway back to me!  I just hope that as I journey through this life, that I will make some difference, so when all is said and done, someone will say "Wasn't She SPECIAL!"